Monday, April 13, 2015

How To Prevent Child Obesity

In America today, it is estimated that over 65% of the population is overweight with around 30% being at least clinically obese. Even more alarming is the estimation that 15% to 20% of the country’s children are overweight with nearly one third being at least clinically obese.

Now more than ever, something needs to be done to reverse this growing trend and prevent it from becoming an even bigger epidemic than it already is. By sitting back and allowing our children to become overweight and eventually obese, we are in effect severely shorting their lives. hgh reviews 2014

How To Prevent Child Obesity

The main ingredient in helping to eliminate child obesity is recognition. As parents, we can not take the stand that it is healthy for our children to be round and plump. Yes they need to eat enough to be healthy and to grow properly, but we must know where to draw the line between what is a healthy weight and what is excessive weight.

Often, parents will push food on their children with the idea that they need more food because they are growing. The fact is however, the energy expenditure required for growth accounts for only around 2% of their daily energy expenditure. With this in mind, a child’s appetite should be taken into account when determining how much they need to eat.

How To Prevent Child Obesity

Over eating is more of a learned thing than one that just develops on its own. Children, much like adults, if given a well balanced diet with limited access to junk food and fast food, will eat all they need and stop when they are done.

Forcing them to eat beyond that point, as well as giving them as much junk food and fast food as they want, only teaches them to over eat from an early age. This habit then usually carries over into their adult lives.

How To Prevent Child Obesity

Sometimes when a parent does notice that their child is overweight, they will try to push diets on them that are too low in calories. This is not good for them either. They still need a certain amount of calories for their growth and restricting their calories too much can interfere with the normal growth process. best way to lose weight

It is better here to simply bring them back to the proper amount of calories they should be getting. Since they were over eating before, going to a normal amount of food will make them lose the extra weight just fine.

Last but certainly not least, lack of exercise is part of the reason that so many children get fat. The average school kid today spends more time watching TV and playing video games than they spend in school. Even when they are in school, most kids only get around 60 to 90 minutes maximum of physical education per week.

The bottom line here is, if we don’t stop over feeding our kids, and we don’t limit their intake of junk food and fast food, and we don’t limit their TV and video game time and get them more active, we will be creating an epidemic of obesity for our children that will reach truly epic proportions.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Does A Low Carb Diet Make You Lose Weight Fast

There are an increasing number of people who take on the process of low carb eating believing that it will help them for their weight loss.

However, there is still an existing and hottest question when dealing with low carb eating, and that is if low carb eating a healthy way of life. So what then is the answer? Find out here. hgh reviews

Does A Low Carb Diet Make You Lose Weight Fast

Speaking of the low carb eating, it is a common consideration that it is not important to count calories in the low carb eating lifestyle. As such, you have the freedom to eat as much as you want and whenever you want. But despite this truth behind the low carb eating lifestyle, many experts have noted this is never a healthy way of life.

Many people are indeed metabolically resistant. So in instances like this, the proper way of reducing food intake may aid the dieters to motivate or sustain the consistent weight loss that they wish. Still, when talking about low carb eating, it is the carbohydrates that must be kept low, not the calories.

Low Carb Diet Weight Loss Plan

To further support the view, it is a given fact that in low carb eating lifestyle, you are definitely been eating fats and oils. As such, you rarely ever be hungry for in general, those foods that are high in fat are ever satisfying. A high fat eating coupled with a low carb eating supplements will tell your body that it is not starving just like the case of fasting, but rather your metabolism in this stage maintains a normal level.

Does A Low Carb Diet Make You Lose Weight Fast

So while consuming fat is one of the prerequisites for a healthy low carb eating, it is then necessary to limit the consumption of trans-fats like margarine. Instead of that, it is recommended that you use real butter, for it is a good fat. And for your interest, good fats are found in olive oil, flax seed oil, canola oil, and oils that are greatly found in nuts.

So then, is low carb eating healthy? Well, on a low carb eating, you can definitely lose weight constantly and it can reduce your insulin levels, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and even stabilize your blood sugar, which is of course great for diabetics.

And since in low carb eating, you will be taking less fruits and vegetables, it is then necessary that you take a good full-spectrum multi vitamins and fiber supplements.

It is also important to consider that the main purpose of the low carb eating is to bring your body chemistry and insulin level back into balance. And so to make this, you need to take a diet that is unbalanced in the opposite direction of the way that you have been eating for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The 6 Step Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Program

There is an anti-aging revolution occurring in healthcare today and that you are the main beneficiary. Nowhere in the field of anti-aging medicine are the breakthroughs and technological advances more exciting, more relevant and more readily available for immediate application and benefit to you than in the field of facial rejuvenation.

Better, the most exciting, effective new discoveries are non-surgical methods for facial rejuvenation. Yes I said non-surgical and I said effective.

The 6 Step Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Program

How do we change from that radiant 16 year old with smooth glowing fresh skin to the 40 something who is beginning to see her mother looking back at her in the mirror to the 65 year old with hooded eyes, puffy lower eyelids, jowls, and loose skin folds hanging under the chin. Let’s review and clearly understand what these changes are that we must look for, recognize and then take steps to correct.

Skin Texture Changes (Surface Irregularities)

The aged facial skin looks dry when compared to a child’s skin. Over half of the crucial natural skin moisturizing agent Hyaluronic Acid is lost by the time we turn 50 and you cannot replace HA by taking a pill or applying it to your skin. Loss of hormonal support during menopause accelerates this change. Dry aged skin loses its glow, looks dull, almost grey. The aged skin is wrinkled and rough and pore size is enlarged.

Uneven pigmentation, brown spots, and red spots (Pigment and Blood vessels)

Uneven pigmentation and over growth of blood vessels are characteristic of aged facial skin. These blemishes are a protective and inflammatory response of the skin to years of exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun and injury from free radicals released by harmful agents in our environment and diet.

The 6 Step Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Program

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are classic signs of facial aging. Static wrinkles are those that are present in the skin when the face is at rest. These wrinkles are caused by the loss of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin. Collagen is destroyed by UV light from the sun and free radicals from other sources. As the collagen disappears volume is lost beneath the skin and the skin wrinkles. This is not unlike the way a grape wrinkles after drying to produce a raisin.

Dynamic wrinkles are those that you see when the face is moving- frown lines, laugh lines, worry lines, and crow’s feet. These lines are actually caused by the pull of the facial muscles beneath the facial skin. Dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles after years of repeated pulling by the facial muscles.

Deep Facial Lines

Deep facial lines are those lines around the mouth called the Nasal-labial fold line and the Marionette lines. These lines are different from wrinkles in that they are caused by a combination of the pull of the facial muscles and loose sagging skin. As the face ages, the skin becomes loose and falls over the line created by the facial muscle pull, for example the smile line. how to get rid of acne scars

Loose skin

The skin of the aged face has lost it’s elasticity and has become loose. The cheek has fallen and created loose skin on the jaw called jowls. The skin beneath the jaw on the neck is also hanging down, a phenomenon called the turkey wattle.

What Is Facial Rejuvenation

The definition of rejuvenate is to make young or youthful again or restore to an original or new state. True facial rejuvenation requires correction of all of the above facial aging changes for the face to be made young or youthful or restored to an original state. The 6-step program mis designed to address all aging changes without surgery.

The 6-Step Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Program

The 6-step facial rejuvenation program consists of the following 6 steps:

1. Exfoliation

2. Stimulation of new collagen formation

3. Removal of abnormal pigment and blood vessels

4. Relaxation of lines of facial expression

5. Fill deep facial lines

6. Skin tightening